Cheating Death with Great Success!
This podcast tells my (true) story of how I managed to cheat death 3 different times within the past 5 years in Belize. I share how I should've been eaten by jaguars in the middle of the jungle, flipped a car in the middle of nowhere and even managed to stop my ex-best friend from a murder attempt in my own bedroom. I cover everything from living abroad, shamans, black-and-white magic, mindfulness, religious beliefs, neuroscience and philosophy. All of these things helped me cheat death and maybe it'll help you do the same.
Cheating Death with Great Success!
Episode 4: Baby's First Machete
B. Francis Hellebusch
With 2 weeks until the jungle hunt, I gather supplies in Guatemala and learn how to use a machete. Also, I tube a river by myself and sink lol.